If we ask various persons to lay the pronated hand on a flat surface in such a way that the longitudinal axis of the hand is a prolongation of that of the forearm we shall find that: ] .
1.The third finger ends the most distally.
2. The first finger ends the least distally.
3. The fifth finger follows the first in th is respect.
4. Sometimes the second finger ends more distally than the fourth, sometimes the converse is true and sometimes these fingers are equal in length.
We may represent a given case as follows:
III > IV > 11 > V > I
If we confine ourselves to man, we find that the interindividual difference in digital formula consists in the varying relation between the fingers 11 and IV.
Most land mammals including humans have a 2-3-3-3-3 formula in both the hands (or paws) and feet.