Endosmoasis:- The movement of liquid from outside to inside is known as endosmosis. It takes place in hypotonic solution.
Examples of
--−−Endosmosis−:∗∗Whenweputaraisininsideabowlofwater,theraisinswellsupafterafewminutesbecausethehigherconcentrationinsidetheraisin.∗∗absorptionofcapillarywaterfromthesoilbytheroot.∗∗entranceofwaterinthexylemvessel.Exosmosis:−themovementofliquidfrominsidetooutsideisknownasexosmosis.−−--Exosmosis -:
**when grapes are kept in the high concentrated sugar solution they become flaccid.
**passage of water from root hair cells to cortical cells of root.
**Movement of water out from the raisins when placed in a hypertonic solution.