What is forming square
It is a much faster way to write a number and a much quicker way to multiply a number times itself. EX: Bacteria doubles itself often, say every 15 minutes, so we could write 2 for ‘doubles itself’ and give it an exponent for every fifteen minutes in one hour. If we started with 10 bacteria, our equation would be: 10 * 2^4 power after one hour = 10 * 16 = 160 bacteria
After 2 hours: 10 * 2^8 power means 8 fifteen minute periods worth of doubling has occurred and we now have: 10 * 256 = 2,560 bacteria.
After 3 hours: 10 * 2^12 = 10 * 4,096 = 40,960 bacteria
After 4 hours: 10 * 2^16 = 10 * 65,536 = 655,360 bacteria
After 10 hours: 10 * 2^40 = 10 * 1099511628000 = 10,995,116,280,000
THUS: 10*10^40 power is shorter.