What is it that comes once in a year, twice in a month, thrice in a week and four times in a day?
Answer: The letter R
As, it appears once in a yeaR
Twice in a month, FebRuaRy
Three times in a week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ThuRsday, FRiday, SatuRday
Four times in a day:
One a.m., Two a.m., ThRee a.m., FouR a.m., Five a.m., Six a.m., Seven a.m., Eight a.m., Nine a.m., Ten a.m., Eleven a.m., Twelve p.m. (Noon) &
One p.m., Two p.m., ThRee p.m., FouR p.m., Five p.m., Six p.m., Seven p.m., Eight p.m., Nine p.m., Ten p.m., Eleven p.m., Twelve a.m. (Midnight)