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What is meant by the term bond order? Calculate the bond order of: N2 , O2 , O+2 and O2 .

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Bond order is defined as one half of the difference between the number of electrons present in the bonding and anti-bonding orbitals of a molecule.

If Na is equal to the number of electrons in an anti-bonding orbital, then Nb is equal to the number of electrons in a bonding orbital.

Bond order = 12(NbNa)

If Nb>Na , then the molecule is said be stable. However, if NbNa, then the molecule is considered to be unstable.

Bond order of N2 can be calculated from its electronic configuration as:


Number of bonding electrons, Nb = 10

Number of anti-bonding electrons, Na= 4

Bond order of nitrogen molecule = 12(104)


There are 16 electrons in a dioxygen molecule, 8 from each oxygen atom. The electronic configuration of oxygen molecule can be written as:


Since the 1s orbital of each oxygen atom is not involved in boding, the number of bonding electrons = 8 = Nb and the number of anti-bonding electrons = 4 = Na.

Bond order = 12(NbNa)

= 12(84)


Hence, the bond order of oxygen molecule is 2.

Similarly, the electronic configuration of O+2can be written as:


Nb = 8 Na


Bond order of = O+2=12(83)


Thus, the bond order O2 of is 2.5.


Nb = 8 Na


Bond order of O2=12(85)


Thus, the bond order of O2 ion is 1.5.

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