What is national integration? Why is it important? Name the factors that hinder national integration.
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Talk about the meaning and importance of national integration. Name the factors that hinder national integration.
Meaning of National integration: National Integration means living harmoniously without having hatred, jealousy, or prejudice against another person or community. It refers to the feeling that all the people of a country are one, despite their race, culture, and language differences.
Importance of national integration: To build a strong nation, such a feeling must be developed among all citizens, as it strengthens the sense of equality. National integration is also essential to achieving common interests and a sense of oneness.
Factors that hinder the National integration:
Casteism - meaning looking down upon people of castes other than your own.
Communalism - meaning a feeling of superiority of one’s own religion over others.
Regionalism - meaning one’s commitment being limited to one’s geographic region.