The action of mixture of NaNO2 and dil. HCl on
(a) Ethylamine
Ethylamine reacts with a mixture of NaNO2 and dil. HCl to form ethylalcohol, water and nitrogen gas.
(b) Aniline
Aniline reacts with a mixture of NaNO2 and dil. HCl to form benzenediazoniumchloride, water and NaCl.
(c) Diethylamine
Diethylamine reacts with a mixture of NaNO2 and dil. HCl to form N−nitrosodiethylamine and water
Preparation of nylon6,6:
ϵ−Caprolactum is heated at 533 K in an inert atmosphere. It polymerises to form nylon−6.
A base that neutralizes excess of acid in stomach. For example, sodiumbicarbonate, magnesiumhydroxide and aluminiumhydroxide.
The side effects of tranquilizers include headache, weight gain.