What is the difference between internal and external sources of raising funds ? Explain.
S.N.Internal Sources ofExternal Sources ofFinanceFinance(i)Internal sources ofExternal sources offunds are those that arefunds include thosegenerated within thesources that lie outsidebusiness.an organisation, such assuppliers, lenders, andinvestors.(ii)Examples areExamples are issue ofaccelerating collectiondebentures, borrowingof receivables,from commercial banksdisposing of surplusand financialinventories andinstitutions andploughing back ofaccepting publicprofit.deposits.(iii)The internal sources ofLarge amount of moneyfunds can fulfill onlycan be raised throughlimited needs of theexternal sources.business.External funds are moreCost of internal funds iscostly.low.(iv)Business is not requiredBusiness is required toto provide securitymortgage its assets aswhile internal sources.funds from external sources.