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What is the function of the receptors In our body?Think of situations where receptors do not work properly. What problems are likely to arise?(4+5=9 marks) Please describe elaborately with example.

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Receptors are present in our all parts of the body for eg. in skin eye nose tounge etc.. They detect the signals and then send them to brain in the form of electrical signals. If they these receptors are damaged then it will not detect the input which leads to the harmfor our body in dangerous situation

The function of receptor in our body is to receive the msg and send it to the brain.
(eg:-suppose if someone bit u on your hand .u fell sensational on your hand .this msg interprete on your brain through the help of nerve impulses. these activities of transmission occurred on cerebellum of fore brain ).
if a situation arise that receptors are do not work properly then many problems were raised means control and coordination does not happen.if any stimulaion is happening on body or inside the body u are unable to know about them
the function of receptor in our body is to receive the message and send it to the brain
eg. suppose if someone bit you on your hand you feel sensational on your hand. This message interprete on your brain through the help of nerve impluses. These activites of transmission occured on cerebellum of fore brain.
another example, while walking on the road, the person needs to hear the sound of vehicles moving near him. Without hearing those sounds, he would not be in a position to move safely on the road.
(1). They sense the external stimuli such as heat and pain
(2). They also trigger an impulsein the sensory neuron which sends message to the spinal code

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