Sustainable management involves the utilization of natural resources judiciously so that they benefit equally the present generation as well as the future generations.
Sustainable management is necessary because progress in science and technology has developed tools and technology with which man has started extracting natural resources at a much faster rate, resulting in their depletion.
The development which meets the current basic human needs and also preserves the resources for the needs of future generations is called sustainable development.
The people living near the forests usually use the resources of the forests in a way that much damage is not done to the environment.
In fact, the people living near forests had developed practices to ensure that the forest resources were used in a sustainable manner.
So, the damage caused to forests cannot be attributed to only the local people living around the forest.
The Forest Department has a major stake in the resources of forests and wildlife because it is a good source of revenue for the Government.
The destruction of forests affects not just the availability of forest products but also the quality of soil and other components of the environment.