What is the remainder of 20001000 divided by 13?
200013 gives remainder 11, now 111000=121500
Also, 12113 gives remainder 4. So we have to find the remainder of 450013=2100013
We know that 21213 has a remainder 1. Hence, 2100013=(212)83×2413=2413=1613, hence remainder is 3.
Alternate Approach - Using Euler's Theorem
2000100013(remainder) =11100013 (remainder)
Euler’s number of a prime number is one less than that number. Hence, Euler’s number for 13 = 12
From Euler's Theorem, remainder of NEuler′sNumberX = 1 (if N and X are co-prime)
Hence 1199613 has remainder =1 (as 996 is a multiple of 12, Euler’s number of 13)
The question can be changed to 1×11413.
Remainder of 1464113 = 3. ∴ Answer is 3.