What is the Unity of Command and Unity of Direction? What are the similarities and difference between them?
Similarities between Unity of Command and Unity of Direction:
(i) Both are principles of management devised by Henry Fayol.
(ii) Aspects of command and direction are faciliated by one superior.
(iii) Both principles aim at meeting organisational goals through discipline.
Differences between Unity of Command and Unity of Direction are as follows:
BasisUnity of Command Unity of DirectionMeaningInvolves a superior (foreman)Involves all activities of a businessgiving orders to his/her subordi-unit directed towards attainingnates to complete certain tasks ororganisational goals.activities in a business unit.Emphasis ofOn each specific task and activityOn all tasks and activities of a Controlin a business unit.business unit.PurposeTo avoid dual subordination orTo avoid wastage and duplicationpossible conflicts or confusionsof efforts.between a superior and thesubordinates.ExampleWorkers work to take orders fromWorkers responsible for manu-a foreman to manufacture steeringfacturing steering wheels are notwheels and do not take ordersresponsible for brakes or tyres of a from a foreman managing thecar.frame of a car.