What led to the decline of the USSR as a socialist country?
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) had a total of 15 republics before its disintegration in 1991.
Factors that led to the decline of the USSR are given below-
(1) Economic Weakness
The weakness of the economy was the major cause of dissatisfaction among the people in USSR. There was severe shortage of consumer items. The reason for economics weakness were the following.
Huge military spending.
Maintenance of satellite states in Easter Europe.
Maintenance of the Central Asian Republics within the USSR.
2. Political Un-accountability
The communist party regime (single party rule) for around 70 years turned authoritarian. There was widespread corruption, nepotism and lack of transparency.
3. Gorbachev’s reforms
Once people started to enjoy freedom under Micheal Gorbachev’s reforms, they demanded more. The demand grew into a big force which turned difficult to control. The people wanted to catch up with the west quickly.
4. Rise of nationalism
Rise of nationalism among countries like Russia, Baltic republics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), Ukraine, Georgia etc is the most important and immediate cause of disintegration of the USSR.