What role does adsorption play in heterogeneous catalysis ?
Heterogeneous catalysis is a catalysis in which the catalyst is in different physical phase from the reactant. In heterogeneous catalysis, generally, the reactants are gaseous whereas the catalyst is solid.
(i) Adsorption of reactant molecules on the catalyst surface.
(ii) The occurrence of a chemical reaction through the formation of an intermediate.
(iii) De-sorption of products from the catalyst surface
(iv) Diffusion of products away from the catalyst surface.
The reactant molecules get adsorbed on the surface of the solid catalyst by physical adsorption chemical adsorption. Therefore, the rate of the reaction increases by the increase in the concentration of reactant molecules or by, the fragmentation of reactant molecules on the surface of the solid catalyst producing active species capable of reacting faster. The product molecules undergo desorption and the catalyst surface is now free for more reactant molecules to get adsorbed. This theory is known as adsorption theory.