Raoult’s law suggests that the partial pressure of each substance above a solution is proportional to its mole fraction x, thus p=p0x where p0 is the vapour pressure of the pure substance.
a) An acetone-ethanol hydrogen bond stronger than an acetone-acetone
hydrogen bond. If the reason for the positive deviation of the
ethanol/acetone solution is that the H bonds there are weaker than
ethanol-ethanol H bonds, then there wouldn't that imply that
acetone/water solutions would also have a positive deviation, as
water-water H bonds must be much stronger than water-acetone.
b) Experimentally there are deviations from Raoult’s law and they can be in
both the ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ direction. A positive deviation
means that p is greater than expected from Raoult’s law and
thus a negative deviation has pressure that is less than expected.
Alcohol/water mixtures show positive deviations and for example
acetone/chloroform negative deviations.
The reason for these deviations is due to the different interaction
between the molecules. The change in interaction on adding one liquid to
another is due to the difference in interaction energies between them,
thus if the energies between the same type of molecules of type 1 and 2.