When an insect sits on the flower of a plant then some particles A present in the top of little stalks in the flower attach to its body hair. When this insect now sits on the flower of another similar plant, then particles A attached to the hair of insect are put on the top of a flask-shaped organ at the centre of flower. The particle A grows a long tube B from the top of flask-shaped organ through which C moves down and reaches the bottom part of flask-shaped organ. Here C fuses with the nucleus of D contained in structure E. The fusion of C and D forms a new cell F which grows and develops into a seed of the plant.
(a) What are particles A? What is the process of transferring A from one flower to another flower of similar plant by the insect known as?
(b) What is the name of tube B?
(c) What is C which moves down through the tube B?
(d) Name D and E.
(e) What is F?