The correct option is
B Ozonolysis of alkenes involves the addition of an ozone molecule to an
alkene, to form an ozonide. Formed ozonide gets cleaved
Zn−H2O to smaller oxidised molecules.
In all the given compound all the 3 double bonds form ozonide and gives different oxidised product.
Compound (b) on ozonolysis gives formaldehyde, propan-2-one (acetone) and 2,4-dioxohexanedial
Compound (a) gives propanaldehyde, formaldehyde and 2,4- dioxo hexanedial.
Compound (c) gives acetone, formaldehyde and 2, 5- dioxohexanedial.
Compound (d) gives acetone and 2 moles of formaldehyde.
Thus, the correct compound is (b).