Which among the following has the capacity of speeding up gene expression?
Normally RNA polymerase binds to the DNA and scans for the promoter region in the entire DNA. In positive regulation, a regulatory protein called activator is present in the cell, which binds to the RNA polymerase. It helps it to reach the promoter region faster. Thus, speeding up the transcriptional initiation.
Pribnow box is a nucleotide sequence of TATAAT of six nucleotides that is an essential part of promoter site on DNA for transcription to occur in prokaryotes.
Hogness box is the sequence of 7 – 8 nucleotides rich in T and A, which is homologous to that of the pribnow box of prokaryotes; this sequence is the site for transcription initiation in eukaryotic organisms.
Regulator genes are involved in controlling the expression of one or more genes. In operon system, regulator genes code for the repressor proteins whose presence or absence controls the process of transcription.