Which file in MS-DOS contains internal commands that are loaded during Booting process?
CONFIG.SYS file in MS-DOS contains internal commands that are loaded during Booting process.
CONFIG.SYS is a configuration file on DOS systems. It is a text file that contains the settings and commands to load drives in a DOS system. This is a primary configuration file for OS/2 and DOS OS. This file was introduced in DOS and is replaced for 32-bit Windows versions with CONFIG.NT.
In DOS systems, an internal command is any command that resides in the COMMAND.COM file. This includes the most common DOS commands, such as COPY and DIR. Commands that reside in other COM files, or in EXE or BAT files, are called external commands.
Booting Process. The heart of a modern computer is one or more Central Processing Units. A CPU gets its instructions from memory. The CPU reads instruction from the BIOS and searches for the hard disks, CD drives and other hardware. The BIOS program looks at the first sector for boot code.
The Booting Process. Booting (also known as booting up) is the initial set of operations that a computer system performs when electrical power is switched on. ... Early computers used a variety of ad-hoc methods to get a fragment of software into memory to solve this problem.