Which of the following are the uses of CO2?
As a fire extinguisher
In preparation of aerated water
In artificial respiration
Used in the manufacture of washing soda
1)A mixture of 95% of O2 and 5% CO2 is used for artificial respiration in case of victims of carbon monoxide poisoning and pneumonia patients.
2)Soda water and other aerated soft drinks are, in fact, a solution of CO2 in water. The solution is prepared by increasing pressure since solublility of CO2 is low in normal conditions.
3)Even 15%CO2 in the atmosphere does not support combustion. Therefore CO2 is used for extinguishing fire.
4)Washing soda(Sodium carbonate) is obtained by the reaction of conc. sodium chloride solution with ammonia and carbon dioxide.
NaCl + NH3 +CO2 + H2O → NaHCO3(sodium hydrogen carbonate) +NH4Cl
The sodium hydrogen carbonate is separated by filteration, dried and heated to form sodium carbonate. Hydrating sodium carbonate results in washing soda.
NaHCO3 → Na2CO3(sodium carbonate) +H2O + CO2
Na2CO3 + 10H2O → Na2CO3.10H2O(Washing Soda)