Which of the following does not represent a form of spamming ?
Chat Spam does not represent a form of spamming.
Chat spamming is the repetition of a word or line typed out by a player using a game's chat system. Most games have some form of text messaging built for in-game communication, there is little to stop a frustrated player from flooding a server with text in the same way a user can flood a chat room.
When talking in chat, forum, or a newsgroup, spam, also known as flooding, is the process of posting multiple lines of the same text two or more times. ... Spam is also a general term used in any form of online communication to describe someone who is advertising a product or service.
To answer DP Morgan's question about why unsolicited e-mail is called Spam. Before the internet became commercialised and unsolicited commercial e-mail was sent the name spam was given to sending the same mail several times for no good reason. This was because of the Monty Python 'spam,spam,spam' sketch.
SPAM is defined as the sending of unsolicited bulk email messages indiscriminately. It is also known as "junk mail," unsolicited bulk email (UBE) and unsolicited commercial email (UCE). Benchmark Email does not promote or encourage email SPAM techniques.