Which of the following is the correct sequence of countries in the order of increasing GHGs emission?
Russia, India, US, China
India is fourth largest carbon emitter in the world in terms of per capita emission accounting for 6.6 % of global emissions for the year 2012. It was revealed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) in its latest analyses of the country-wise carbon emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases (GHGs). According to the analysis figures of WRI, Top 10 emitters are: China (25.26%), US (14.4%), European Union (10.16%), India (6.69%), Russia (5.36%), Japan (3.11%), Brazil (2.34%), Indonesia (1.76%), Mexico (1.67%) and Iran (1.65%). Emission Disparity: Largest 10 emitters have contributed a majority of over 72% of global GHGs emissions (excluding change in land use and forestry). Six of the top 10 emitters are developing countries.