11: The perfect squares closest to 11 are 9 (9 = 32) and 16 (16 = 42). Since 3 and 4 are consecutive numbers, there are no perfect squares between 9 and 16, which means that 11 is not a perfect square.
12: The perfect squares closest to 12 are 9 (9 =32) and 16 (16 = 42). Since 3 and 4 are consecutive numbers, there are no perfect squares between 9 and 16, which means that 12 is not a perfect square.
16 = 42
32: The perfect squares closest to 32 are 25 (25 = 52) and 36 (36 = 62). Since 5 and 6 are consecutive numbers, there are no perfect squares between 25 and 36, which means that 32 is not a perfect square.
36 = 62
50: The perfect squares closest to 50 are 49 (49 = 72) and 64 (64 = 82). Since 7 and 8 are consecutive numbers, there are no perfect squares between 49 and 64, which means that 50 is not a perfect square.
64 = 82
79: The perfect squares closest to 79 are 64 (64 = 82) and 81 (81 = 92). Since 8 and 9 are consecutive numbers, there are no perfect squares between 64 and 81, which means that 79 is not a perfect square.
81 = 92
111: The perfect squares closest to 111 are 100 (100 = 102) and 121 (121 = 112). Since 10 and 11 are consecutive numbers, there are no perfect squares between 100 and 121, which means that 111 is not a perfect square.
121 = 112
Hence, the perfect squares are 16, 36, 64, 81 and 121.