Q. From the following information, prepare the profit and loss account for the ending on 31st March, 2016
ParticularsAmt (Rs.)ParticularsAmt (Rs.)Gross profit62,00,000Salaries and wages20,00,000Discount received 1,00,000Discount allowed 2,00,000Interest on loan paid 2,50,000Interest received 3,00,000Commission received 2,00,000Commission to salesmen 1,50,000Rent, rates and taxes 4,00,000Rent received 1,00,000Fire insurance premium 3,60,000Carriage outwards 1,00,000Freight outwards 50,000Repairs and maintenance 60,000Printing and stationery 60,000Travelling expenses 1,60,000Entertainment expenses 1,20,000Water and electricity 1,20,000Postage and telegram 50,000Advertising and publicity 4,00,000Sales promotion expenses 40,000Telephone expenses 1,00,000Bad debts 1,00,000Packing expenses 50,000Audit fees 2,00,000Bank charges 40,000Depreciation on furniture:Legal charges 1,00,000 Sales office 1,00,000Miscellaneous expenses 1,00,000 Administrative office 2,00,000Loss on sale of fixed assets 50,000Miscellaneous incomes 2,00,000Loss by theft5,00,000Profit on sale of fixed assets 8,50,000Dividend received on shares 30,000Loss by fire 1,00,000Income from investments 20,000Loss by embezzlement 1,00,000