Which of the following statement is correct ?
Air is one of the most important components required for the existence of life on earth. So air is present in water in dissolved form and this dissolved air is used by organisms that live in water bodies for respiration.
Water is present in soil also, in empty spaces and pores in the soil. This air is used by organisms that live below the earth's surface (worms, insects etc.). Presence of air in soil can be confirmed be pouring some water on a dry surface of soil. We will observe that bubbles begin to come out from the surface. This is due to the fact that the empty spaces in soil had air in them which was displaced by water and hence the air came out as bubbles.
Since earth's atmosphere is a blanket of mixture of gases, and it extends up to 100 km above earth's surface, air is certainly present in mountains. Also there exists a wide variety of plants and living organisms including humans , and air is necessary for the existence of any form of life hence air is present in mountains.
Vacuum is defined as a space void of matter that is an ideal vacuum space will have no matter , not even air in it. So a vacuum space has no air present in it.