Which of the following statements is/are true?
1. If logma<b⇒a>mb;when m>1
2. If logma<b⇒a>mb when 0<m<1
3. If logma>b⇒a<mb when 0<m<1
4. If logma>b⇒a<mb when m>1
Only 2 and 3
Statement 1: If logma<b when m>1
In the previous question we have seen when m>1, logmy is an increasing function.
So, when value of x increases logarithm function values increases.
When m>1
if logmx1<logmx2
Right hand side of inequality can be written as
So, a<mb { for m>1 }
So,statement 1 is wrong.
Statement 2 : if logma<b when 0<m<1
When 0<m<1, logmx is a decreasing function when value of x increases,
logarithm function value decreases.
RHS of inequality can be written as
When 0<m<1
So statement 2 is correct
Statement 3: logma>b when 0<m<1
We have already seen when 0<m<1,logmx is a decreasing function.
If logma>logmmb
So,statement 3 is correct
Statement 4: logma>b when m>1
We have seen when m>1. logmx is an increasing function. If value of x increases
logmx value also increases.
If logma>logmmb
so, statement 4 is incorrect.
Only statement 2 and statement 3 are correct.