Which of the following was NOT a feature of the Indian Universities Act of 1904?
The Government’s control over the universities was decreased
The recommendation of Indian Universities Commission appeared after slight amendments in the shape of Indian Universities Act, which came into force on March, 1904. Though veteran national leader G.K. Gokhale criticized the Act vehemently and wanted to give a fillip to the mass education, yet it was passed by the majority of council members. The following important changes were introduced for the upliftment of University Education.
I. Universities were empowered to appoint their own staff including the teaching staff;
II. the governing bodies of the universities were to be reconstituted and the size of the Senates was reduced. Now the number in the senate could be minimum 50 and maximum 100.Each of them would hold the office for 6 years.
III. The number of elected Fellows was fixed at 20 for the Bombay, Madras and Calcutta Universities and 15 for others;
IV. Syndicate was accorded legal sanction with proper representation of University teachers on it;
V. Rules pertaining to affiliation of Colleges to a University were made stricter;
VI. Government was empowered to modify the rules framed by the Senate;
VII. Governor-General in Council was authorized to define the territorial jurisdiction of the Universities.
However, for better education and research a grant of Rs. 5 Lakh per year for 5 years was also accepted. This was the beginning of university grants in India which later became a permanent feature in the structure of India education.
After the implementation of the provisions of University Act, though the number of colleges declined, yet the number of students increased considerably. Between 1902 to 1907 the number of Colleges decreased from 192 to 174.