Which of the following were responsible for the decline of the Swadeshi Movement?
1. Heavy repression by the government.
2. Moderate-extremist split at Surat session.
3. Lack of an effective organization and party structure.
4. Communal clashes at various places in Bengal.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
Swadeshi Movement 1905, declined due to several reasons.
1. The government, seeing the revolutionary potential of the movement, came down with a heavy hand. Repression took the form of controls and bans on public meetings, processions and the press.
2. Student participants were expelled from Government schools and colleges, debarred from Government service, fined and at times beaten up by the police.
3. The internal squabbles, and especially, the split, in 1907 in the Congress, the apex all-India organization, weakened the movement.
4. The Swadeshi Movement lacked an effective organization and party structure. The movement had thrown up programmatically the entire gamut of Gandhian techniques. It was, however, unable to give these techniques a centralized, disciplined focus.
5. The British policy of consciously attempting to use communalism to turn the Muslims against the Swadeshi Movement was to a large extent responsible for, breaking out of communal riots in Bengal at the height of the Swadeshi Movement