The correct option is B Two pairs of testes in 10th and 11th segments
Spermathecae are 4 pairs in each of 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th segment situated ventrolaterally. Each spermatheca is flask-shaped consisting pear-shaped ampulla, short narrow neck and a short narrow elongated diverticulum. A pair of small, whitish and lobulated ovaries located in the 13th segment, on either side of ventral nerve cord. These are two pairs of whitish, spherical structures of accessory glands found one pair in each of the 17th and 19th segment. Found on the ventrolateral body wall on either side of the ventral nerve cord. There are two pairs of small, white and lobed testes, located in 10th and 11th segment. They lie ventrolaterally below the alimentary canal, close to the mid-ventral line on either side of ventral nerve cord. So, the correct answer is option C.