Taking the LCM to make the denominators same of the above fractions, we have
Therefore, the first set of fraction −12,56,−49 is not in ascending order.
(b) Now, consider the set of fraction −37,−56,35
Taking the LCM to make the denominators same of the above fractions, we have
Therefore, the set of fraction −37,−56,35 is not in ascending order.
Taking the LCM to make the denominators same of the above fractions, we have
Therefore, the set of fraction −12,−49,56 is in ascending order.
(d) Now, consider the set of fraction −49,56,16
Taking the LCM to make the denominators same of the above fractions, we have
Therefore, the set of fraction −49,56,16 is not in ascending order.
Hence, the only set of fraction in ascending order is −12,−49,56