Which one of these is a rule-based problem solving techniques, looking for tellatale signs in email message that indicates the message is spam or phishing ?
IP address blacklist is a rule-based problem solving techniques, looking for tellatale signs in email message that indicates the message is spam or phishing.
If your IP address is blacklisted, this doesn't necessarily mean there is cause for concern. Some blacklists automatically add any IP address that is assigned via DHCP from the ISP. ... We don't maintain a blacklist, but here are the main reasons why your IP could end up being listed. Virus, Malware, or spam.
An email blacklist is a real-time database that determines if an IP address is sending email that could be considered spam. Many blacklists exist, all with a common goal of keeping spammy emails out of peoples' inboxes.
Some blacklists automatically add any IP address that is assigned via DHCP from the ISP. DHCP IP addresses are mainly how almost all residential connections connect to the Internet. ... If you send spam or run a mail server that is not properly configured and it allows spam to be sent, that IP address will get blacklisted.