Which ratio is smaller among 13:27,17:33,146:297,157:297 ?
Given : 13:27⇒ 1327 and
17:33⇒ 1733
LCM of denominators 27 and 33 =297
we need to make denominators of 1327 and 1733 equal to LCM 297
For that multiply the numerator and denominator of 1327 by 11, we get :
Multiply the numerator and denominator of 1733 by 9, we get :
Now we have all fractions with same denominator: 143297 , 153297 ,146297 and 157297
Numerator: 143<146<153<157
So, smaller fraction is 143297
1327 ⇒13:27
Answer is : 13:27