Which types of ore can be concentrated by the Froth Flotation method? Give two examples for such ores?
Froth-Flotation method:
A collector is a type of organic compound that selectively attaches to the surface of minerals and imparts a water repellent nature to the particles, which is a critical factor in mineral particle adhesion to the air bubble.
Collectors are commonly classified as nonionic, anionic, or cationic.
By enhancing their chemical properties, these reagents prime the mineral surface for Collector action. As a result, they are frequently referred to as collectors' friends. They are typically ionizable, soluble salts that react with the mineral surface. In the case of the Sphalerite ore, zinc is easily separated by the formation of zinc -Xanthate, which is a common example of an activator.
By changing their chemical properties, these reagents deactivate the mineral surface to the action of Collectors. As a result, they are also known as the Collectors' enemies. They improve flotation selectivity by preventing one mineral from flotation while allowing another mineral to float freely.
Depressants are classified into two types: inorganic and organic. Inorganic depressants include sodium cyanide, zinc sulfate, and others.
Organic depressants include starch, tannin, Quebracho, Dextrin, and others.
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Froth Flotation
Some of the benefits of froth flotation include:
This method can separate almost any type of mineral.
The flotation reagent can control and change surface properties.
This technique is ideal for the separation of sulfide minerals.
1) Galena
2) Zinc blend .