Substances can be changed into resources with the help of two important factors such as technology and time.
It is the discoveries, inventions, knowledge and ideas of people that leads to the creation of more resources.
Human resources refers to the physical and mental abilities of the people and number (quantity) of people.
When people have the technology, skill and knowledge; they can make the best of nature to create more resources.
Hence, human beings are considered as a special resource.
Health and Education help people in becoming a valuable resource.
Human resource development means improving the quality of people’s skills so that they are able to create more resources.
Land and physical Capital are useful only when human resources are able to utilise them.
Land and physical capital cannot become useful on their own.
This investment in human capital is through healthcare, training and education.
Higher education leads to higher incomes for people, as the higher educated population will have better and higher productivity than the people who are not educated.
Increased quality of labour leads to increase in total productivity which in turn leads to the growth of the nation.