Environment includes the conditions and surroundings in which all life forms, humans, animals and plants live in. Land, water, air and all the components around us are a part of the environment. These help us to survive and nourish ourselves and help in our growth as well. We need to protect our environment because of the following reasons:
i) Increasing needs and demands are disrupting the balance in the environment.
ii) Increasing deforestation is causing loss of habitat as well loss of supply of food.
iii) Excessive construction is leading to the excessive use of natural resources like minerals and fuels.
iv) Increasing vehicles are depleting the resources of oil at an alarming rate.
v) Excessive farming and grazing is causing harm to the productivity of land, which, in turn causes, is creating a scarcity of resources to sustain life.
vi) The necessity to maintain and protect our environment emerges from the need for a healthy survival. Maintaining a clean and healthy environment not only increases aesthetic beauty of the surroundings but also contributes in maintaining good health.