(i) The UN is a global association of nations of the world. It has 192 member countries, each having one vote in the UN General Assembly.
(ii) It meets in regular yearly sessions under a president elected from among the representatives of the member countries.
(iii) The General Assembly is like the Parliament where all the discussion takes Place. In that sense the UN would appear to be a very democratic organization. But the General Assembly cannot take any decision about what action should be taken in a conflict between different countries.
(iv) The fifteen member Security Council of the U N takes such crucial decisions. The Council has five permanent members - US, Russia, UK, France and China. Ten other members are elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms. The real power is with five permanent members.
(v) The Permanent members especially the US, contribute most of the money needed for the maintenance of the UN. Each permanent member has veto power.
(vi) It means that the Council cannot take a decision if any permanent member says 'no' to that decision. This system has led the demand that the UN need to be more democratic.