Why is Venus the hottest planet in the solar system, even if it is not closest to the Sun?
Excess Carbon Dioxide and Sulphuric acid
It has no moon
Due to it's orbit
Due to it's speed around Sun
Carbon and Sulphur content is responsible for the warming of a planet which is present in excess amount on venus.
Even Due to the gravitational force of the sun, the earth does not get attracted fully towards the core of the sun and moves around it in an elliptical orbit. Why does it not get fully attracted towards the core of the sun and also why does it move in an elliptical orbit ?
Why is Venus the hottest planet in our solar system even though mercury is closer to the sun?
शुक्र ग्रह हमारे सौर मंडल का सबसे गर्म ग्रह क्यों है, जबकि बुध ग्रह सूर्य के सबसे नजदीक है?