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Why phenol does not react with Carboxylic Acid?

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  1. The chemical compound phenol is a type of organic compound. While it's dangerous to ingest on its own, it's found in small amounts in a variety of home goods such as mouthwash and spray cleansers.
  2. It might be colourless or white in its purest form.
  3. It has a light sweet aroma that reminds you of a sterile environment, such as a hospital room.

Reason for phenol does not react with carboxylic acid:

  1. Carboxylic acids are the most potent organic chemicals, yet they are weaker than mineral acids. The acidity of the carboxylic acid is higher than that of alcohols and even phenols.
  2. Two comparable resonance configurations in which the negative charge is effectively delocalized between two more electronegative oxygen atoms stabilize the conjugate base of a carboxylic acid, carboxylate ion.
  3. However, in the phenoxide ion, the negative charge is delocalized less effectively over one oxygen atom and there are fewer electronegative carbon atoms. The carboxylate ion is, therefore, more stable than the phenoxide ion. As a result, carboxylic acids are acidic in comparison to phenols.
  4. Because phenol is such a mild acid, it does not react with carbonates. Phenol can create esters like other alcohols, however, it does not react directly with carboxylic acids. To generate an ester, only an acid anhydride or an acyl chloride can react with phenol.
  5. Due to efficient delocalization of the negative charge, the carboxylate ion generated is stabilized by resonance. The carboxylate ion, as a result, is more stable than phenoxide ions. In contrast to phenols, carboxylic acids are more acidic.
  6. The sodium bicarbonate test differentiates phenols from carboxylic acids with ease. Because carboxylic acids are more powerful acids than phenols, sodium bicarbonate is a weak base that reacts fast with carboxylic acids but not phenols.

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