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With reference to the causes of the rise of Fascism in Italy, answer the following questions:
(a) What were the difficulties faced by the democratic government in Italy?
(b) Why were the Italians disappointed by the Treaty of Versailles?
(c) How did the Communists create conditions conducive for the growth of Fascism in Italy?

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(a) Democracy was introduced in Italy in 1919 for the first time. But no single party could get a clear majority in the election. From 1919 to 1922, six coalition governments were formed. Each government had their own policies and there was no continuity in their policies. Along with this, the coalition government could not solve the problems of unemployment and poverty.

(b) Italy joined the Allies in the first world war to gain territories of Turkey and Germany. Along with this by the treaty of London, Italy hoped to gain Trentino, Trieste, Istria, Fiume, Coastal region of Dalmatia, Albania, and some parts of Turkey and Germany. But by the Treaty of Versailles, Italy could get only southern Tyrol, and Trentino, and the coastal region of Dalmatia. Italy did not get any part from German andTurkey empire. Thus people were disappointed by the Treaty of Versailles.

(C) Communist in Italy spread revolutionary ideas. With this influence, peasants extorted the lands of landlords, the workmen organised strikes, broke machines and took hold of the factories. Communists wanted to create lawlessness and discipline by their activities. In this condition, people wanted a party that could maintain peace and discipline in the country and could bring prosperity to the nation. In such condition people supported Fascism.

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