Dear Student,
The cooking utensils are made up of metals or their alloys because-
insulators are used for making handles of the cooking utensils as through insulators heat can not conduct easily, so it does not got heated up while cooking. If we made the utensils handles with metals, then due to high thermal conductivity its get heated up, and its become difficult to hold them.
The houses are made of mud and bricks in rural areas. Being bad conductor of heat mud and bricks don't let heat pass through them easily (unlike cement ) thus, during the day, heat would not be able to enter the house easily and during night, heat would not be able to escape the house, keeping the house colder during the day and warmer during the night as required. Its the same case with seasons, such houses keep indoors cooler during summers and vice versa during winters. As some people are not able to afford air conditioners in rural areas, it is an efficient way to manage heat.
We wear woollen clothes in winter because woollen cloths have lots of gap, where air can be trapped easily. And as air is a poor conductor of heat and woollen clothes do not allow the transfer of body heat to the environment and keep us warm.