A. The movement, besides demanding the prohibition of the sake of arrack, touched greater issues of gender equality and the notion of patriarchy, which is well entrenched in the Indian society and which propagates women's subordination to men as natural and inevitable.
B. The movement provided a forum for women to engage and discuss larger social issues confronting the Indian society like female infanticide; domestic violence, denial of opportunities for women, etc., which have become an integral part of the Indian Society.
C. It raised issues related to the custom of dowry, sexual abuse at work and public places and growing gender inequalities.
D. The movement resulted in increased awareness among the women and the society at large towards these issues.
E. It generated greater sensitivity towards issues of gender equality
F. It resulted in some progress towards encouraging women’s representation. For example, the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts provided for one-third reservation of seats in the local bodies for the weaker section and women.
G. Women's Representation Bill that sought to provide one-third reservation of seats for women in the Parliament has been passed in the Rajya Sabha.
H. It also resulted in the passage of domestic violence act 2005 to protect women from verbal and sexual abuse in the domestic realm.
I. The anti-arrack movement became part of a larger feminist movement that demanded a just, egalitarian order and where women were treated at par with men. It looked for a social order where men and women are biologically different but are not treated unequally.