One crore seventy five thousand three hundred two.
In order to write the smallest 8-digit number using digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7, we put the smallest digit 1 (Except 0) at the place having the highest place value. The largest digit 7 is put at the right most place i.e. at unit's place, the digit 5 is put at the ten's place, the digit 3 is put at the hundred's place and the digit 2 is put at the thousand's place. All other places are filled by 0.
Hence, the required largest number is 10002357.
In order to write the largest 8-digit number using digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7, we put the largest digit 7 at the place having the highest place value. The smallest digit 5 is put at the place after the highest place value. We put the next smallest digit(i.e., 3) after the previous one. After it we place the next smallest digit(i.e., 2) and after that we put the digit 1. All other places are filled by 0.
Hence, the required largest number is 75321000.