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Write a program that contains user defined functions to calculate area, perimeter or surface area whichever is applicable for various shapes like square, rectangle, triangle, circle and cylinder. The user defined functions should accept the values for calculation as parameters and the calculated value should be returned. Import the module and use the appropriate functions.

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As per the question, user-defined functions need to be created which accept the value and the calculated values should be returned.
Also, these user-defined functions can be very simple or very complex depending upon the approach taken. Therefore, a simple approach has been taken here by defining user-defined functions for area, perimeter and surface area of various shapes separately.

The function list is as follows:
  • Square - Area, Perimeter
  • Rectangle - Area, Perimeter
  • Triangle - Area(base, height), Area(using all 3 sides), Perimeter
  • Circle - Area, Perimeter
  • Cylinder - Surface Area
Therefore, a total of 10 functions are defined. The first step will be to ask the shape on which the calculations is to be done and the second step will be to ask whether to calculate area, perimeter or both.

import math

#Using formula area of square = square of side
def areaSquare(a):
area = pow(a,2)
return area

# Using formula area(rectangle) = length * breadth
def areaRectangle(a, b):
area = a * b
return area

# using herons formula when all three sides are given
def areaTriangleSide(a, b, c):
s = (a + b + c) / 2
area = math.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
return round(area,2)

#Using formula area(triangle) = base * height / 2
def areaTrianglebh(a, b):
area = (a * b) / 2
return round(area,2)

# Using formula area(circle) = πr^2
def areaCircle(r):
area = (math.pi * r * r);
return round(area, 2)

# using formula area(cylinder) = 2πrh + 2πr^2
def surfaceAreaCylinder(r,h):
area = (2 * math.pi * r * h) + (2 *math.pi * r * r)
return round(area, 2)

# Using formula perimeter(square) = 4 * Side
def perimeterSquare(a):
per = 4 * a
return per

# Using formula perimeter(rectangle) = 2 (l + b)
def perimeterRectangle(a, b):
per = 2 * ( a + b)
return per
def perimeterTriangle(a, b, c):
per = a + b + c
return per

# Using formula perimeter(circle) = 2πr
def perimeterCircle(r):
per = (2 * math.pi * r )
return round(per, 2)

#Providing the menu to the user
print("On which geometric shape would you like to operate on?")
print("1. Square")
print("2. Rectangle")
print("3. Triangle")
print("4. Circle")
print("5. Cylinder")
inp = int(input("Enter your choice(1-5) : "))

#Calculating the values as per the geometric shape choice entered
if(inp == 1):
print("Functions Available\n1.Area\n2.Perimeter\n3.Both Area and Perimeter")
i = int(input("Enter your choice(1-3): "))
a = float(input("Enter the side of square: "))
if(i == 1):
ret = areaSquare(a)
print("Area of square with side",a," is ",ret)
elif(i == 2):
ret = perimeterSquare(a)
print("Perimeter of square with side",a," is ",ret)
elif(i == 3):
ret = areaSquare(a)
print("Area of square with side",a," is ",ret)
ret = perimeterSquare(a)
print("Perimeter of square with side",a," is ",ret)
print("Invalid Choice")
elif(inp == 2):
print("Functions Available\n1.Area\n2.Perimeter\n3.Both Area and Perimeter")
i = int(input("Enter your choice(1-3): "))
a = float(input("Enter the length of rectangle: "))
b = float(input("Enter the breadth of rectangle: "))
if(i == 1):
ret = areaRectangle(a,b)
print("Area of rectangle with sides",a,",",b," is ",ret)
elif(i == 2):
ret = perimeterRectangle(a,b)
print("Perimeter of rectangle with sides",a,",",b," is ",ret)
elif(i == 3):
ret = areaRectangle(a,b)
print("Area of rectangle with sides",a,",",b," is ",ret)
ret = perimeterRectangle(a,b)
print("Perimeter of rectangle with sides",a,",",b," is ",ret)
print("Invalid Choice")
elif(inp == 3):
print("Functions Available\n1.Area\n2.Perimeter\n3.Both Area and Perimeter")
i = int(input("Enter your choice(1-3): "))
if(i == 1):
j = int(input("How do you want to calculate area?\n1.By using base and height\n2.By using all 3 sides:\n "))
if(j == 1):
a = float(input("Enter the base of triangle: "))
b = float(input("Enter the height of triangle: "))
ret = areaTrianglebh(a, b)
print("Area of triangle with base:",a,"height:",b," is ",ret)
elif(j == 2):
a = float(input("Enter the side 1 of triangle: "))
b = float(input("Enter the side 2 of triangle: "))
c = float(input("Enter the side 3 of triangle: "))
ret = areaTriangleSide(a, b, c)
print("Area of triangle with sides:",a,",",b,",",c," is ",ret)
elif(i == 2):
a = float(input("Enter the side 1 of triangle: "))
b = float(input("Enter the side 2 of triangle: "))
c = float(input("Enter the side 3 of triangle: "))
ret = perimeterTriangle(a, b, c)
print("Perimeter of triangle with sides:",a,",",b,",",c," is ",ret)
elif(i == 3):
a = float(input("Enter the side 1 of triangle: "))
b = float(input("Enter the side 2 of triangle: "))
c = float(input("Enter the side 3 of triangle: "))
ret = areaTriangleSide(a, b, c)
print("Area of triangle with sides:",a,",",b,",",c," is ",ret)
ret = perimeterTriangle(a, b, c)
print("Perimeter of triangle with sides:",a,",",b,",",c," is ",ret)
print("Invalid Choice")
elif(inp == 4):
print("Functions Available\n1.Area\n2.Perimeter\n3.Both Area and Perimeter")
i = int(input("Enter your choice(1-3): "))
a = float(input("Enter the radius of circle: "))
if(i == 1):
ret = areaCircle(a)
print("Area of the circle with radius",a," is ",ret)
elif(i == 2):
ret = perimeterCircle(a)
print("Perimeter of the circle with radius",a," is ",ret)
elif(i == 3):
ret = areaCircle(a)
print("Area of the circle with radius",a," is ",ret)
ret = perimeterCircle(a)
print("Perimeter of the circle with radius",a," is ",ret)
print("Invalid Choice")
elif(inp == 5):
print("Functions available for cylinder \nSurface Area")
r = float(input("Enter the radius of cylinder: "))
h = float(input("Enter the height of cylinder: "))
ret = surfaceAreaCylinder(r, h)
print("The surface area of cylinder with radius",r,"and height",h," is ",ret)
print("Please select correct value")

On which geometric shape would you like to operate on?
1. Square
2. Rectangle
3. Triangle
4. Circle
5. Cylinder
Enter your choice(1-5) : 1
Functions Available
1. Area
2. Perimeter
3. Both Area and Perimeter
Enter your choice(1-3): 1
Enter the side of square: 4
Area of square with side 4.0 is 16.0

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