Bose Einstein Condensate is a state of matter. Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein did calculations and based on their calculations found the Bose Einstein Condensate. It is formed by cooling a gas of extremely low density, about one hundred thousandth the density of normal air to super low temperatures.
It has super energetic and super cooled particles.
It has 2 main properties - Super-fluidity and Super-Conductivity
To make a Bose-Einstein condensate, you start with a cloud of diffuse gas. Many experiments start with atoms of rubidium. Then you cool it with lasers, using the beams to take energy away from the atoms. After that, to cool them further, scientists use evaporative cooling. "With a [Bose-Einstein condensate], you start from a disordered state, where kinetic energy is greater than potential energy," said Xuedong Hu, a professor of physics at the University at Buffalo. "You cool it down, but it doesn't form a lattice like a solid."
Instead, the atoms fall into the same quantum states, and can't be distinguished from one another. At that point the atoms start obeying what are called Bose-Einstein statistics, which are usually applied to particles you can't tell apart, such as photons.
Example is Super fluid cold liquid Helium
Hope this helps :)