The Eleventh Five Year Plan aims to achieve improved quality of life for the citizens of the state and contribute to the larger national goals of socio-economic development. This will require faster and more equitable social and economic development of the state. The Eleventh Plan (2007–08 to 2011–12) sought
to build on the gains achieved in the Tenth Plan and
shift the economy to a path of faster and more inclusive
growth. Inclusiveness, a critical element in the
strategy, was to be achieved by ensuring that growth
was broad-based and was combined with programmes
aimed at overcoming deficiencies in critical areas,
which affect large numbers of the vulnerable sections
of our population, particularly the Scheduled Castes
(SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), the Other Backward
Classes (OBCs), women, and the minorities. The plan
sought to deal with these defciencies through programme aimed at providing access to health, education,
and other essential services and programme of
livelihood support.