Write an account on dramatic expansion of wheat production in the USA and what were the results of expansion of wheat agriculture in the Great Plains?
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From the late nineteenth century, there was a dramatic expansion of wheat production in the USA and the export market became bigger. During the first World War, the world market boomed. Russian supplies of wheat were cut off and the USA had to feed Europe. US President Wilson encouraged American farmers to plant more wheat. In 1910, about 45 million acres, an increase of about 65 per cent.
The expansion of wheat agriculture led to terrifying dust storms in the $$1930s.TerrifyingduststormsbegantoblowoverthesouthernplainsofAmerica.ItcametobeknownasBlackblizzards.Theduststormsrose7,000to8,000feethigh.Theyappearedasmonstrouswavesofmuddywater.Theycamedayafterday,yearafteryear,throughthe1930s$.
As skies darkened, and the dust swept in, people were blinded and choked. Cattle were suffocated to death, their lungs caked with dust and mud. Sand buried fences, covered fields and coated the surfaces of rivers till the fish died. Dead bodies of birds and animals were scattered all over the landscape. Tractors and machines clogged with dust and damaged beyond repair.