Write the comment on the following rational numbers whether they are equal or greater or less than 1926. The numbers are 247338, 1921 and 2632. [3 MARKS]
Sub-parts : 1 Mark each
When we multiply by 13 in denominator and the numerator we get 247338, therefore 1926 = 247338.
By inspection, when numerator is same and denominator is different then the fraction having large value of denominator is smaller than the fraction having less value of denominator. Hence, 1926 < 1921.
For comparing 1926 and 1316 we have to make the denominator of both the fraction by taking LCM of 26 and 16 = 416.
(19×16)(26×16)=304416, (13×26)(16×26)=338416
338>304. Hence, 2632 >1926.