Write the given number with appropriate signs:
100m below sea level.
If we take sea level as a reference point we can mark it as 0.
and the distance below the sea level is taled as '-'.
So, 100m below sea level can be represented as -100m.
Question 61.
If we denote the height of a place above sea level by a positive integer and depth below the sea level by a negative integer, then write the following using integers with the appropirate sign:
(a) 200 m above sea level (b)100 m above sea level
(c)10 m above sea level (d) Sea level
Represent the following numbers as integers with appropriate sign
8km below sea level
Represent the following numbers as integers with appropriate sign.
5kmabove the sea level
Represent A whale moving at the depth of 3,000m below the sea level as integer with appropriate sign.