Write the steps to convert methane to ethane.
Methane CH4:
Ethane C2H6:
Conversion of methane to ethane:
Step 1: Chlorination of methane:
Step 2: Wurtz reaction:
Convert : (a) Methane into chloroform, (b) Sodium acetate into methane, (c) Methyl iodide into ethane, (d) Aluminium carbide into methane.
(a) Write balanced equations
(i) when butane is burnt in oxygen (ii) preparation of ethylene from ethyl alcohol.
(i)Convert ethane to acetic acid (ii)Convert acetylene to ethane (iii)Convert acetic acid to ethyl alcohol (iv)Convert acetic acid to ethyl acetate.
Write the : (a) molecular formula, (b) electron dot formula and (c) structural formula of methane and ethane.