Acquired traitsInherited trais1.Those traits that areThose traits whichdeveloped by theare present in anindividual during hisindividual since birth.lifetime.2.They are the resultThey are the result ofof changes in non-Changes in the DNA.reproductive issues.3.They cannot beThey are transmittedpassed on to theto the progeny, e.g.progeny, e.g. piercedcolour of eyes, skin orear, large muscle sizehairetc.
Traits can be passed on to the next generation only when they have some direct effect on the genes. The traits acquired during the lifetime of an individual cannot be inherited as they do not change the genetic make up of an organism, In fact,these traits develop due to use and disuse of organs or due to direct effect of environment.Thus, they are not passed on to the next generation. For example, a wrestler develops large muscles because of his training programme, it does not mean that his offspring will necessarily have large muscles.